Make disciples of Christ, prioritizing reliance on the Holy Spirit
Spread the Gospel globally to all nations
Emphasize that following Christ is a way of life, not merely a religion
Break down legalistic culture within Christianity
Set captives free spiritually through Jesus Christ
Help born-again believers understand God’s timing and the imminent nature of His kingdom
Provide free Bible studies in person, groups, and online, along with distributing free copies of the Bible. Additionally, offer free access to videos, documents, and theological materials on various subject
Finance – To Finance all the below ministries
Feeding The Homeless, Providing Shelter & Clothing
Food Banks – Provide Groceries & Clothing for those on Poverty Line
Counselling Services – Sign Post and Provide Help
Helping & Support – Widows and Orphans
TV Ministry – Spreading the Word via You Tube Channel
Making Disciples
Providing Medication to Poor in Developing Countries
Provide Education in Developing Countries
Provide Clean Water in Developing Countries
Freeing People from Prostitution, Alcohol & Drugs – worldwide