The first clear message that I kept receiving from the Holy Spirit was we are in the End Times and Souls had to be won. From the moment I gave my life to Christ I was attacked by the Devil from all angles with full force.
As a newly Born Again Christian I was thrown into many Storms and experienced False Teachers and Prophets and Churches who deceived me into giving considerable amounts of money for their own personal gain, I received false and wrong prophesies and doctrines.
The total cost to me was over £200k. I was being threatened by investors from whom I had borrowed money. I lost my Lucrative Businesses & Partnerships as a result of all this and my Partners told me this was because I gave up the blessings of the Sikh Guru’s to follow Christ.
I could not turn to my Father who was a multimillionaire for help who would have undoubtedly helped me but it would have come at the cost of them wrongly blaming my following Christ, and I could not turn to my friends many of whom were very well to do, for the same reasons.
I went from having everything to having nothing, I was even refused benefits, every door was being shut in my face, and the Devil wanted me to renounce my new found faith.
All I seemed to be told by mature Christians was to be Still and Know that God was in control, and all would happen in his timing…. But my time of need was now could God not see this. Through these testing time, there was something inside me that did not allow my mouth or mind to speak against God.
I would cry and shout to the Devil, Devil you can never ever make me speak or think ill against MY IE THE ONLY TRUE GOD. I must have done something wrong God could do no wrong.
I can tell you today that God was with me, He is the one that pulled me through these Tests that made me a stronger and wiser man. I remember Phil (man of God that baptised me in the Spirit) say to me, Jas until you have been through it yourself people less likely to listen to you, people prefer empathy not sympathy. God put his strongest soldiers in the fiercest ferocious battles. He did the same with me.
Within weeks and months I experienced so much, I had quite a few Pastors, Prophets claim that I will be doing mighty things for God. I was preaching in India within few months, and the Lord used me to cast out demons, preaching and teaching was a natural God given gift, I did not need to spend hours or anytime most the time preparing sermons, the Holy Spirit seemed to bless me with what to say, and people loved it.
After the mission in India I received death threats from various non believer groups and Organisations due to a couple of videos of me being used to deliver a girl in India. People back home could not believe it, how can a larger than life party animal being doing such things, it was too much for them to take in. To them it appeared as though I joined some Occult and was practising Black Magic.
My parents even thought that, my own family felt hurt and felt I put them to shame. I received false prophesy of whom to marry within a couple of months my second wife wanted a Divorce and was cheating on me. I had no one but the Lord.
I would cry to the Lord, can’t you see my tears and feel my pain, I am so lonely and let down and rejected by the ones I loved so much. If you want to do Mighty Things for God there is a Mighty price to pay. I could go on and on about my sufferings for Christ and the Lord, and I still get attacked till date. It was the Holy Spirit that was there with me throughout my troubles and I know 100% I will be rewarded and blessed mightily in Heaven.
If we look at the bible God gives the vision beforehand, he anointed David King by Samuel 15 years before he appointed him. God full filled the vision in Joseph’s dream 20 years later, during time which he was sold as a slave by his brothers and thrown into Jail falsely accused of rape by his Masters wife, from Jail he was promoted to Prime Minister after interpreting Pharoah’s dream.
Abraham had to wait 25years till Isaac. It took approximately 120 years for the floods to come in times of Noah.
My appointed time to get Love Like Jesus Ministries was March 2024 aptly just before Easter. I chose the name Love Like Jesus as the New Testament shows us the Love God has for us through, starting with the atoning sacrifice of his beloved son. God created us in his Image ie likeness and sent Jesus on earth to show us how to Love one another.
I used to think God created us in his image meaning that he wants us to look like Him, but then I understood he created Man in his image ie character The purpose of Love Like Jesus Ministries is to be led by the Holy Spirit to try and lead a perfect life like Jesus, and to follow the commands of Jesus and not of man.